Discover The Job of Mobile Application Developer


A programming specialist, the Mobile Application developer has become essential to all companies wishing to deploy on mobile. Thanks to his mastery of programming languages, he creates one or more applications for smartphones and tablets for his clients. It is a trendy job that requires great versatility.

Mobile Application
Mobile Application

The missions of the mobile application developer

The job of a mobile application developer consists of designing an application in its entirety or adapting existing software to make it usable on mobile. He works from specifications provided by his client or that he proposes himself. The application developer can evolve in very varied sectors: commerce, health, transport, banking, etc.

He may be an employee of the user company, attached to an IT service and engineering company (SSII) or a publisher or work on his own as a freelancer.

The mobile application developer must ensure that his software meets the needs of smartphone users. He manages constraints of screen size, interactivity, loading and user experience. The application developer may be specialized in a mobile operating system, Android, IOS or Windows. He works in collaboration with other professionals such as graphic designers, content managers, designers and must therefore have an overall vision of the applications.

The skills to have

To access the profession of mobile app development company, it is necessary to know how to understand the needs of the client, by integrating their constraints into the specifications. This professional carries out the technical design, performs the tests and presents his work to the client. He writes the installation and user instructions for the solutions he designs. Nevertheless, he deals with the developments requested by the customers. In his work, he may be required to supervise several programmers.

The mobile application developer is therefore a specialist in mobile programming. He must master the main languages ​​of mobile development such as C, C++, Objective C, Java as well as the essential HTML/CSS, PHP and Javascript. He is also able to adapt his code to other operating systems and knows how to use different frameworks to work.

The mobile developer must be able to model his designs using the UML language and know how networks work. Mastery of English is also a considerable advantage in the field of mobile programming.

The qualities to have

The mobile application developer is passionate about new technologies and IT. He must be able to continually self-train and anticipate language developments. In fact, creative and stress-resistant, he is responsible for problem solving. Instead, he must find effective solutions quickly and correct any errors.

He is also a manager capable of completing a project while respecting specifications and deadlines. The developer must know how to work in a team and be a good communicator. He presents and justifies his technical solutions often directly to his client. For example, he demonstrates pedagogy and adapts his speech to his interlocutors.

However, autonomy, imagination, responsiveness, listening, rigor, precision and logic are essential qualities for the job of mobile application developer.

The salary of a mobile application developer

The average salary of a junior mobile application developer is around €32,000 per year. Besides, this figure can reach €55,000 per year after several years of experience. The remuneration of a developer not only can vary depending on his profile, his specialties, his sector of activity but alseo his geographical location.

Training to become a mobile application developer

The job of application developer is accessible from Bac+2 with a BTS, a DUT or a Professional Title in IT. If you want to specialize in mobile application development, the IPI offers a certified training course for mobile application developers. However, this title allows you to strengthen your skills and learn methodologies specific to this profession. The work-study year will help you acquire solid experience before you get your first job!